Brochure and Accompanying Map
of Los Altos and Vicinity

The brochure shown below extolling "Los Altos and Vicinity" was produced in 1947 by the "Los Altos Business Association".

This was some five years before the area became incorporated as the 11th City in Santa Clara County (December 1952) and the larger area to the south was incorporated a little bit later as the Town of Los Altos Hills (January 1956).

Occurring just as the post-World War II population expansion was taking hold, eventualy the "Business Association" would evolve into today's Chamber of Commerce, as well as what later became "The Village Association", which was formed in 1963.

Besides a lyrical description of what the City had to offer a prospective resident, the brochure includes a map showing the the major roads as they existed at that time - some of which have since changed their names as they maybe got bisected or became extensions of other roads as a result of Foothill Expressway and Highway 280 becoming established as major thoroughfares.

Los Altos History Museum

A number of digital versions of the large map printed at the end of this brochure were circulating on the Internet in the spring of 2021, but they all suffered to some degree either in the resolution available (the number of "pixels-per-inch" of the scan) or the optical quality of the device used to scan (or photograph) the original document.

This resulted in moderately good quality digital images, but efforts to read the commentary written in the spaces on the large map were frustrated because of the fuzziness of the fine print.

A copy of an original document printed in 1947 was found in the collection of the Los Altos Museum, who kindly arranged to have it scanned with professional-quality equipment - albeit with the same difficulty others had encountered due to the large size of the source document when "folded out" to show the whole map. However, by scanning multiple sections of the document in sequence, and then stitching the resulting digital images together into a single large complete image, a "good" version could be realised with even the fine print all readable.

We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the folks at the Los Altos History Museum for their willing cooperation - without which, making this digital version of the brochure would not have been possible.




Double-Width Front Display



First Page with Title



Page 2



Page 3



Image at the bottom of Page 3 enlarged and digitally enhanced



"Downtown" section of previous image annotated to indicate prominent landmarks



Page 4



Page 5



Road Map



Click on the above icon to see a larger more detailed version of the map.
This larger version is a complete scan of the fold-out. including the index of street names along the right-hand edge.
(You will need to scroll the larger image on the screen using the scroll bars to navigate around the map)