Varian Associates: An Early History

Following are scans of the pages in a 16-page booklet with the above title. There are a number of different contributing authors, all of them principal figures that feature in the history of the company.

The book itself appears to be undated, but based on a reference in the text (See Page 8 near top of page) it appears to have been produced in 1958 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the company's founding soon after the end of World War II.

The original booklet is printed in a standard 8½ by 11 inch size with left and right-hand pages. Unfortunately, some of the pages are laid out with pictures shown on one page and the captions associated with those pictures on the adjoining page. Accordingly, the images that follow have been "adjusted" so that captions have been "cut" (where necessary) and then "pasted" to adjoin the images that they are associated with.

Front Cover


Page 1


Page 2


Page 3


Page 4


Page 5


Page 6


Page 7


Page 8


Page 9


Page 10


Page 11


Page 12


Page 13


Page 14


Page 15


Page 16


Rear Cover


Following are some enlargements of pictures selected from the above pages


From Page 3 - Founders and close associates in San Carlos, California, left to right: Russ Varian, Sig Varian, Marvin Chodorow, Dorothy Varian, Dick Leonard, Esther Salisbury, Ed Ginzton, Fred Salisbury, Don Snow, and Myrly Stearns.


From Page 5 - Surrounding the first Klystron are: (background, l to r) Sig Varian, Prof. David Webster, Prof. William Hansen, (foreground) Russ Varian, and John Woodyard.


From Page 8 - Russ and Sig Varian (standing) with an early Klystron.


From Page 10 - Russ Varian (l) and Martin Packard (r) with an early NMR instrument in the first applications laboratory in Building 1.


From Page 11 - William Hansen at work with the linear accelerator.


From Page 13 - Gazing up at a deflector magnet for an early linear accelerator are, from left to right, Fred Wilimek, Bill MacBride, Sig Varian, Emmet Cameron. Bob Avery, Ralph Kane, and Russ Varian.


From Page 14 - In 1954, the Board of Directors were: (seated around the table from left to right) Ed Ginzton, James Duprau, Garfield Merner, Sig Varian, Francis Farquhar, Myrl Stearns, David Packard, Russ Varian, and (standing from left to right) Decker McAllister, Ted Moreno, Emmet Cameron, Richard Leonard, and Cliff Heimbucher.