A Collection of Aerial Views of The Bay Wetlands
The following is a collection of pictures I have taken over a period of time with different qualities of digital cameras - the images improved as technology improved.
They area all taken in and around the southern portion of The San Francisco Bay.
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(1) Old and New Dumbarton Bridges looking toward East Bay
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(2) Over East Bay (Leslie Salt) returning to Palo Alto - Dumbarton Bridge just visible
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(3) Leslie Salt works - different colors of ponds with different stages of evaporation - note salt piles
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(4) The green section is Bayfront Park opposite Menlo Park - so this is winter and high tide
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(5) Approximately same view but in summer (park is yellow) and low tide
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(6) Just off-shore Palo Alto looking south toward snow-covered Mt Hamilton
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(7) Over Hayward looking toward San Jose
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(8) Not sure exactly where this is - I think East Bay looking north
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(9) Over Leslie Salt looking toward South Bay
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(10) Over Leslie Salt looking toward Dumbarton Bridge
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(11) Byxbee Park in Palo Alto (former landfill dump site)
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(12) Over the East Bay - Dusk return to Palo Alto - Dumbarton Bridge in sight
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(13) Opposite Menlo Park / Redwood City looking north (I *think*)
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(14) Cooley Landing in East Palo Alto - Historic dump site - was toxic - now reclaimed as park
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(15) Not sure where
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(16) Palo Alto Baylands with duck pond and airport
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(17) Leslie Salt harvesting ponds
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(18) Over Hayward looking south, can just make out Leslie Salt factory surrounded by evaporation ponds
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(19) Directly over Leslie Salt looking north, Coyote Hills Regional Park in background
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(20) Looking toward East Bay with Leslie Salt works visible
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(21) Looking toward Redwood Shores with San Mateo Bridge in the distance
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(22) Looking towards East Bay over Dumbarton Bridge - those little islands deliberately shaped/arranged to encourage bird life
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(23) Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park on former bayland...
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(24) Directly above Dumbarton Bridge looking toward south bay
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(25) Directly above Dumbarton Bridge looking toward south bay as before, but closer to East Bay end of bridge and Leslie evaporation ponds
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(26) Piles of harvested salt at Leslie plant
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(27) Evaporation Ponds next to Leslie Salt plant
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(28) Piles of harvested salt at Leslie plant
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(29) A slough providing a path for watershed run-off,that separates
still wet evaporation pond (red) from dried pond (white) ready for salt harvest
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(30) Looking straight down, green is bay water, red is evaporation pond and white is salt
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(31) Slough channels of concentrated brackish brine temporarily flooded at high tide with relatively less salty water
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(32) Over the ghost town of Drawbridge looking to South/East Bay Hills -
some buildings still standing near bottom of picture next to railway line coming from Alviso
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(33) Ghost town of Drawbridge
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(34) Opposite Menlo Park looking north up 101, Bayfront park on right.
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(35) Somewhere over the Bay wetlands
Interesting result after this web-page was first created and made public, emails were received requesting permission to use a few of these images...
- Pics #2 #7 #12 as inspiration for the design of stained glass windows in a Cathedral in France
- Pics #29 and #30 as base for acrylic painted murals on Medical Building in Indiana
Permission granted...