Adobe Creek - Surveying the Extent of The Creek Damage before the Project started.

The following pictures were taken in December 2003 when a few of the ring-leaders took a quick survey of the progressive damage that had been inflicted over the years.

This was the result of unwitting individual homeowners "fortifying" the creek banks to protect against further damage caused by ever increasing water speeds'

This had in turn been triggered by ever-increasing hardscape (roofs, driveways, tennis courts) upstream, and as each resident "armoured" the creek bank on their property, so it increased the water speed for the next neighbor downstream, who in turn decided to..... .

Click here to go to pictures of the construction phase
Click here to go to pictures of the creek three years after completion


Susan Mandle, local resident and Prime Mover behind the collaborative, helps document the "hardening" of the creek banks .


Susan is wielding a measuring staff marked off in 1 foot segments


The creek forms the border between two backyards, cinder blocks on one side, poured concrete on the other .


The banks are heavily overgrown, including some huge Eucalyptus trees over 100 years old.


The Robleda tributary enters the creek via a culvert passing under under Fremont Road.


In some places the creek bed is around 15 ft deep


Creek bank on the outer curve of a meander is armored with solid rip-rap from creek-bed to top-of bank.



Click here to go to pictures of the construction phase
Click here to go to pictures of the creek three years after completion